Episode Archive

Click on each image to watch our old episodes.

Season 3: Alandale

It's time to check out our new property in a small town north of the free cities. 

Episode 3.1 Silverleaf Manor

Episode 3.2 The Way of the Phoenix

Episode 3.3 Duel at the Bridge

Episode 3.4 The Ranger Dominates

Episode 3.6 The Ethics of Poison

Episode 3.7 Drinking Squid Eyeball



Season 2: The Free Cities

Our adventurers flee to the Free Cities. 

Episode 2.1 Escape on the High Seas

Episode 2.2 Exploring the Free Cities

Episode 2.3 The Milan Underworld

Episode 2.4 The Gatti Thieves Guild

Episode 2.5 The Nightlodge Joust

Episode 2.6 Hatching a Heist

Episode 2.7 Final Preparations

Episode 2.8 The De Rossi Bank Robbery

Episode 2.9 Petrified At Sea

Episode 2.10 Riot at the Palazzo Vonto

Episode 2.11 When Worlds Collide

Episode 2:12 Like a Rolling Stone

Episode 2:13 Camping Along the Alanway

Season 1: The Phoenix Egg

A random band of adventurers finds an ancient sword. 

Unfortunately, we didn't know how to record in the early days...

Episode 1: The Case of the Missing Orphans

Chapter I A: Exploring Solis

Five individuals found themselves in the Lonely Spirit for different reasons. One of them, a Sanctuary monk named Varis Nailo sat down with a quiet elf named Elaina. The conversation was awkward. Nearby, four soldiers talked loudly about the problems in the south and complained about having to stay near the city. Another soldier was nearly passed out at his table and a larger soldier named Sextus sat by himself at a fourth table. A half-elven ranger named Tra Yoku sat at a fifth table while a blonde and sweaty barmaid named Gisha tried to serve them all. A female gnome named Lilli Timbers was entertaining the crowd on the small stage. 

Varis was very social, trying to chat with the hopeless drunk and the four soldiers. The soldiers shared: 

“If you head west, check out Old Fenik Hill. You can see for miles around from under the big oak tree. Plus, I think its blessed or something and gives good luck.” 

They are interrupted when a thin young soldier named Tiro (recruit) Nilee, with a scroll in his hand, seeks out Sextus. He hands the scroll and then asks the Sextus to repeat its contents before running back to the Praefect. The scroll reads:

The bearer of this scroll is hereby ordered to investigate the problem at the orphanage. If citizens are in jeopardy, see to their safety. If the city is vulnerable, remedy this vulnerability. You may choose civilians to help you with this task, but you cannot choose any active duty soldiers. We need them to man the walls and defend the city. Solve this problem quickly and efficiently. We cannot have imperial citizens lose faith in us. ~Praefect Octavius Decius

Sextus reluctantly assembles a group of willing participants from the tavern. The barkeep, Russ Balder, also shared some gossip with the group: 

“I heard that the Telmari elves wiped out their rivals. That whole elven forest in the south is a warzone. Assassins and soldiers and fighting. Can’t see how we trade with them moving forward.” 

As the group left, Gisha and Tra spoke near the doorway, where she said, 

“I heard that the reason soldiers can’t leave town is because of a big battle in the south, down near the elves. You can’t trust some of those elves. Queer folk doing queer things.”

The group walked towards the orphanage. They stopped in to buy some rope and rations at Glib’s store, where a couple of young clerks (Ander and Thistle) are helping to load and unload wagons. Old Glib shared the following rumour: 

“I heard that there is an old witch at the windmill outside Hull that has been brewing up healing potions. Can’t say much good about people using magic. They’ll bring about another long winter!”

When they arrive at the Lliira’s Garden, they find the custodian, Larold Rost, who is eager to talk to anyone who comes and asks about what happens. He was sleeping upstairs when he heard the hammering. He thought it was soldiers mending the wall so he didn’t wake up until he heard the orphanage door smash open. He ran downstairs but only saw shadows running away. Three children were missing Jick (a small boy) Lindle (an older girl) and Lya (a young girl who suffers from shakes). Sextus threatens Larold while Tra and Lilli heads into the orphanage to speak with a teacher wearing bright colours. The teacher shoos them away and tells them to speak with Larold. Eventually she relents and allows the group to examine the orphanage. They find goblin tracks leading through a hole in the wall northwest and  a goblin dagger. The group decides to head out after them. 

Chapter I B: Tracking West

The group eventually ends up on the trail. It is a clear day and good for travelling. Tra forages for food as Elaina and Sextus track. When they arrive in the forest they encounter an old peddler with a small child. The peddler (Jamison Jane) came upon the small dirty boy (Jick) running through the forest several hours west of here. Lilli and Tra tried to comfort the boy but they shook him too hard and he refused to speak. Then Sextus attacked the peddler because he wouldn’t give him free potions of healing and Varis was forced to intervene - but not before the peddler hit Sextus quite hard with his staff and ran off. Lilli spoke with a squirrel who showed them a small stash of potions the peddler had left behind. Sextus impatiently departed after the kidnappers. The peddler returned and takes the boy with him to Solis. 

Chapter I C: The Wolf Forest

The group pushed on through the forest, but after nine hours began to feel exhausted. They pitched camp near the edge of the forest and set a watch. During the first watch, a wolf came to the camp and was killed. This happened again during the second watch. The group felt very rested in the morning and was prepared to continue out of the forest. The weather was clear and comfortable in the morning. 

Chapter I D: Old Fenik Hill

The group arrived at the hill and cautiously looked for tracks. The tracks that they had been following veered south to a cave, but a new set of tracks came from the other direction. Elaina, Tra, Lilli, and Varis went up the hill to the oak tree. Elaina picked up some acorns and Tra noticed two goblins patrolling the north side of the hill. The group ambushed these goblins. Sextus stumbled into the two guards at the cave entrance and they retreated into the entrance, which was partially blocked with broken stone doors. The goblins fired arrows out at the heroes, but Sextus and Varis managed to push the broken doors aside and enter the cave. 

Chapter I E: Phoenix Tomb

Inside the tomb, the group fought with a determined team of goblins in the offering room. It was a difficult battle, but they cleared the room thanks to a song from Lilli outside the cave. They examined the walls which featured a bas relief of knights fighting monsters. Many of them have a Phoenix emblazoned on their shields. The Oath of the Phoenix Order is written on the walls opposite the knights. "I sacrifice to provide sanctuary. We will be reborn." There was a sign above hallway leading east which said "Only humble knights may pass." Varis bowed down to examine a skeleton near this sign, but when walking through the hallway encountered a scythe trap that nicked him. He was able to disable the trap when Sextus threw a bone to jam into the mechanism (Lilli couldn’t throw a bone that far). 

As they entered a large room they encountered a Tarelda cult fanatic in a trance-like state. She was performing a rite, with one of the missing girls on the altar. The fanatic was on her knees and her hands were high above her head. She chanted something in a strange language. Tra understood the following ideas: goddess, blood, song,  sacrifice destroy. There seems to be a portal above her. Through the portal, a strange figure was visible. He looks like an elf, but has dark grey skin and white hair. As the heroes entered, he shouted “Fly, you fool” in elven. His staff erupts in green fire which shot towards the heroes, hurting all of them.  The Tarelda exited the trance and twice commanded Sextus to attack the party, which he eventually did. Varis killed the elf with a punch and the group explored the room. They freed the girl and another girl in a small cage. They found a statue of Marcus Felix with a riddle written at foundation. "If you are to keep this, you must first give it to me." One member of the party said aloud the Phoenix Oath and a secret door opened behind the statue. 

Sextus, Varis, Lilli, and Elaina entered the new room which was a tomb. Sextus pulled a sword from the ground and three skeletons rose from their coffins to attack him. A difficult battle followed and one member of the group was knocked unconscious before quickly waking up. The heroes defeated the skeletons and left the tomb apprehensively. 

Chapter I F: Return to Solis

The group returned to Solis uneventfully. Upon their arrival, Sextus was imprisoned for attacking the peddler on the road. Lilli attempted to lie to save him, but was also imprisoned. The remaining heroes returned the children to the orphanage, where the door had not been repaired. Larold was not present. The headmistress directed the heroes to speak with the praefect about a possible reward. 

Varis and Tra visited the Temple of Oghma and spoke with Lee Castro. Lee helped Tra with a question she had about an old text but she was unwilling to leave the document with him for further study. He also gave some information to Varis about the war in the south and the battle of Turrim Tower. 

Meanwhile, Praefect Decius freed Sextus and Lilli, since they accomplished their mission and the peddler was not harmed. He withheld their reward. He told Sextus to be prepared for a future mission, as he had use of a ‘grey’ soldier who could operate outside of normal channels. 

The team reunited and went back to speak with Lee Castro about Sextus’ sword. He identified it as the Sword of the Phoenix, and said that if they speak the command word flames would erupt from the blade. He suggested that the word might be found in the same place that the sword was found. 

The team decided to rent rooms at the Sunshine Inn. They received a great deal thanks to Lilli’s relationship with the owner, Ekar Dunweaver. The team discussed where they might go next, mentioning Hull, Turrim Tower, and Sanctuary. When Sextus said “Sanctuary” the sword burst into flames. The group went to sleep to resolved to make for Hull the next day. 

Episode 2: The Witch of the Silver Creek Windmill

Chapter II A: Exploring Hull

After their encounter at Fenik Hill, the party felt much stronger. They had learned new skills and were eager to put them to use. Before departing, Lilli bought supplies at Old Glib’s so that she could cast some spells. Then, the party travelled north to Hull. 

Upon arrival, they passed Fort Hull where they spoke with a young soldier named Falc. They asked about potions, and he recommended that they speak with Porcia. The group stopped off at the Rock Hill Inn, where Lilli had played in the past. They met the owner, Joseph Glorybluff, who was quite cantankerous, and directed the players to stay off his grass. Varis purposefully stepped on his grass. Then they went to Porcia’s where they asked for Porcia. When Porcia’s sister, Sherlen, went to get her, Tra tried to steal some items from the shelves. She and Sextus were kicked out of the shop. Porcia told the rest of the party that her potions are made by a witch named Adabra who lives in the Silver Creek Windmill. She hasn’t heard from Adabra in a while. 

As the team left, they picked up a wanted poster for Ahmet Alp at the Village. A halfling passersby told the heroes that Ahmet was known to rob imperial travellers along the river, and that it was generally believed that he could be found near Fallkirk. The party continued on to the Silver Creek Windmill to meet with Adabra.

Chapter II B: The Silver Creek Windmill

As the players approached from the east, the saw several stumps atop the hill. When they neared, these stumps arose as poisonous blights. Tra manipulated the weather and a mist formed over the entire hill. The party continued towards the tower. 

Inside the tower, the players found a millstone and a ladder leading up - but the trapdoor was blocked by heavy furniture. While inside, the poison blights attacked the door. Through a crack in the floor, Adabra cast a spell that made Sextus erupt into a fit of laughter. The party fought their way out the door, but then found themselves dodging cold rays of frost from the nearby window. Varis pulled down the ladder and he and Sextus scampered up to the second floor while Tra harvested sacs of liquid from the blights. 

At the top of the tower they found a woman - Carry Bronislav. The group didn’t trust her - especially since the Bronislavs are halflings! She transformed into a hideous beast and attacked the group with slashing claws, but was killed by the party. The party found a treasure trove of potions, which they took for themselves. 

Chapter II C: Back to Hull

When they returned to Hull, they found Larold with a cart loaded with strange ingredients. He said that he was headed to Sanctuary and warned the group not to touch his wagon or combine his ingredients. They also passed by the Hull Stones where a small gnome named Podun Sayur who sang a song with lyrics including: beast of dark, word ring, phoenix sword, old Castle ord, martyrs, pray, yancanyana, at Castle guard, toy anana, dream then pray, hope bring day. He also told the party about a bounty hunter at Vimur Keep and an old castle in the northwest 12 hours away where there were  lots of monsters. 

The group decided to stay the night at the Green Mule, where the Bronislavs tell them that Ahmet Alp is a Saka leader. They also tell them about a large fighting tournament at Vimur Keep. When they depart the next day, they notice that the Farmer’s Exchange is busy and they watch a large number of ships leaving hull. Those heading south powered by current, and those heading north by rowers.

Da Olden Song

In darkest dream dey wake and ‘gin to pray

Dey were so mighty in da light of day

Dey call from far, Faranehtar

Dese beast of dark dey ‘ope we slay

Da swords do ring ‘gainst da evil horde

Da chords do sing while da fenik soared

O yanc anyana an’ toi ennóna

An den we limp back to castle ord

In darkest dream dey woke and den dey prayed

Dey hoped we martyrs might bring da light of day

Dey called from far, Faranehtar

Dose beasts of dark dey ‘oped we slayed

Episode 3: Bloodsport at Vimur Keep

Chapter II D: Vimur Keep 

The walk to Vimur Keep is long and several party members are very tired when they arrive. 

They head to the Red Wall Inn, where Lilli is known by the owners Connar and Ganfar who share a story: During a nightlong celebration, they and a handful of companions did so much damage to the inn that the militia mustered to arrest them. Their companions fled, but Connar and Ganfar instead offered to repay the previous innkeeper. Their drunken proposal was laughed at until they produced a rough-cut diamond as big as a halfling’s thumb. Duke Antiochus struck a deal on behalf of the two parties, with the result that the previous innkeeper became a rich man, the duke got a beautiful new diamond ring, and the Northlanders became property owners. The truth is that Connar, Ganfar, and their companions were celebrating a successful dig out at the old Ord castle to the west. The server, Mary Monringfall recommends Temple Row if they are looking for a good night. A dwarf beggar smells food in Tra’s pockets, but then thinks it might be too potent to eat and tells her to head to Temple Row to see what she’s got in her pockets. 

Tra heads to Temple Row where she meets Althalos Boulderdown, a one armed half-elf cleric to Sylvanus tending many different saplings in the outdoor temple. He tries to convert her while identifying the sacs as poison which adds 3D6 to an attack. Other party members go to Tails and Leathers where they see a rock gnome discretely casting spells which show patrons what they would look like in each set of clothing. His wife, Jomila attempts to convince Lilli to go dancing at Temple Row later in the evening. The entire shop is too expensive. 

Chapter II E: The Vimur Tournament

Meanwhile, Varis and Sextus inquire about joining the tournament. This late in the fighting, there are only 6 other combatants. They are permitted to join, provided they each pay 25GP to enter. The other competitors are spearmen and infantry from the local guard, including young Brom who they met earlier and a local champion named Big Red. The Duke has offered a prize of 200 GP to the winner. 

Sergeant Hinks and a bounty hunter named Rinyolf watch the engagement with the rest of the crowd. To the side stands the Duke, Jorge Antiochus and his dark-skinned wife Fira. Their daughter Seraphina watches with a bare-chested cleric named Loyalty. A large crowd has gathered in the ducal keep’s private parade grounds. 

Varis is picked up by Loyalty and taken to the hospice. Loyalty seems disappointed by the entire tournament and shakes his head as he leaves. Rinyolf the bounty hunter is impressed by Sextus’ fighting and offers to split a large bounty with him. They agree to meet at noon the following day in the marketplace. Sextus heads to the old blacksmith Oliver Darkdraft where he buys new armour, a second shortsword, and a shield.

Episode 4: On the Road Towards Old Ord

Chapter III A: Departing Vimur

The party picks up Varis from the Tower, where a Sanctuary Cleric named Loyalty is tending his wounds. Lilli asks if she can help, and she cures Varis’ wounds. Varis and Loyalty discuss the state of the world and the party departs the hospice. They seek advice for the direction to Old Ord Castle. They spy a young woman on the walls named Seraphina who can offer little advice on the world outside the Keep walls. As they continue to the marketplace Tra encounters Urdur flipping his lucky coin and sharpening his axe. He tells them to head due west out of either gate. The party departs the southgate at 9:00 into a very strong headwind coming from the west. 

Chapter III B: Ambush

Chapter III C: Reinforcements

Chapter III D: Goblins in Defilade

Chapter III E: Up the Hill

Chapter III F: Final Shots

Chapter III G: A Short Rest

This encounter allowed the heroes to test many of their new skills and combined battle tactics as they prepare to engage with the forces arrayed against them at Old Ord Castle.

Episode 5: Old Ord Castle and the Death of a Bard

Chapter IV A: Around and Under

After healing, the party rounded the bushes to find the goblin camp. They searched the camp, finding some coins and rags before taking a short rest and eating rations. Then, they walked due west down the path until they could see the castle on a ridged hilltop. The party split, with Sextus and Lilli continuing down the path and Tra and Elaina following Varis around the back of the castle. 

Varis found a small drain pipe, and Elaina transformed into a mouse to travel inside it. She was able to hear snarls and growling from inside the castle and smelled a canine smell. She returned to her two companions, who stealthily rounded the castle, eventually finding a small cave. 

Meanwhile, Sextus and Lilli moved from tree to tree. Sextus was spotted by goblins on a large archway bridge over the path. They shot at Sextus and Lilli, hurting Lilli. Sextus and Lilli ran behind an old tower and hid. Eventually, Varis rounded the castle and waved at them to come around and join the three sneakers in the cave. More goblins saw Varis, and the party members came under fire from arrows as they moved to the cave. 

Inside the cave, Tra found some dead bodies and set of bracers. As they continued deeper into the dark, their noise roused a juvenile Owlbear who attacked the party, raking Varis with his claws and knocking him unconscious. Lilli sang a song that inspired Sextus, and he ignited his sword and cut off the young beast’s head. His skills as a fighter improved. Elaina investigated its nest, finding a damaged viola adorned with flames. Buoyed by his recent successes, Sextus led the party down to a pool of water and a shaft leading up into the light. He climbed up the shaft and jumped out, weapons drawn.

Chapter IV B: Out of the Well

Sextus found himself in the middle of the castle’s courtyard, having just jumped out of a well. The Suntooth goblin clan - already alert after spotting him outside, quickly yelled for help and attacked him. Lilli tried to follow him out of the well, but couldn’t traverse the thick slimy walls and fell back down to the party in the water. Sextus attached a rope to the foundation stones and threw it down to his companions before being attacked by five goblins who had been relaxing around a fire and another who had been shooting at the party from the curtain wall. 

As the rest of the party climbed up out of the well, two more goblins who had been searching outside the castle joined the fray. The clamor of battle brought a third group of goblins, led by a large orc berserker, out of a room to the north. Just as the odds seemed impossibly turned against the party, arrows flew from the collapsed curtain wall towards the berserker and his horde. Rinyolf - the bounty hunter Sextus had met in Vimur Keep - had arrived.  

In the battle that followed, the party struggled. Tra, Rinyolf, and Lilli fired arrows at their foes. Sextus swung his mighty sword and Elaina used her magical staff. Varis fought in a flurry of fists. In the end, the entire party was  grievously wounded. Lilli found herself alone, fighting multiple enemies. She attempted to flee into a nearby storeroom, but the door was locked. The situation worsened when two of the goblins fled to the tower to call for help. More orcs arrived on the scene, and made short work of the injured team while a goblin tried to shove Lilli into a kennel filled with three ravenous wolves. Soon, all of the party was on the ground, fighting for life. Rinyolf stood up first, and kept the remaining enemies away from his unconcious new partners as best he could - but he couldn’t stabilize their wounds. When the courtyard had been cleared and the heroes came together, they found their party was short one member. Lilli had died.

Chapter IV C: Song of the Phoenix

In the minutes that followed, Rinyolf poured an ugly black liquid into Lilli’s mouth. He said that it was a potion concocted by his late master Vinyar, and that it might save Lilli, or at least give them time to save her. When the party asked him what they should do next, he didn’t have any answers for them. He said that he didn’t really know how the potion worked. His master had given it to him as a child decades ago and instructed him to drink it if he was dying. He also shared that, while he didn’t know what they should do next, this castle had once belonged to his master’s order. If there was anywhere in Ascorod with the answers they sought, it would be the old Ord Castle. 

The party immediately spread out to explore the castle to find a cure for Lilli. Varis and Sextus began to break down the door of the tower, but were stopped by Elaina. She transformed into a mouse again, and slipped under the door. She climbed the spiral staircase and found a huge orc chieftain at the top of the tower, poring over a map. When she examined the room for a possible cure, she found nothing of note. Returning to the party, she shared this with them, and they began exploring elsewhere. Varis picked up Lilli’s limp body and carried it with him. 

Tra spoke to the wolves, calming them with food and speaking to them. They found several storerooms with foodstuffs and potions of healing. Drinking these potions, Tra, Elaina, and Varis continued into a common room where the berserker and his crew had been eating a pig. The fireplace in the common rooms seemed to be the oldest part of the room, so the group began looking for secret doors. Meanwhile, Rinyolf and Sextus found a weapons cache and a bridge leading to a crumbling tower separated from the main castle. This tower had been used by the Suntooth clan as a pigsty. The party quickly left this room and continued searching the castle in hopes of finding the cure. 

In desperation, Varis attempted to revive Lilli by placing her in the flames of the fireplace in the common room. He imagined that she might rise from the flames like a phoenix. Coming to his senses a moment later, he pulled her singed body from the flames. Varis and Tra returned to the pigsty, where they discovered a trap door. Elaina - who had stayed with Lilli -  tried to comfort Lilli by playing a tune on her new viola, but was surprised when dancing “flames” leapt from the instrument towards Lilli. Meanwhile, Tra and Varis climbed through the trapdoor and found an old library filled with dusty, rotten tomes. They also discovered a parchment in surprisingly good condition as well as two bottles filled with a black substance similar to the one Rinyolf had given to Lilli. Sextus yelled “Sanctuary” and ignited his sword but it had no effect on the parchment or the bottles. Varis returned to Elaina and they brought Lilli to the pigsty. They gave her a second dose of the black concoction, but there was no change in her condition. Time was running out and the group was getting frustrated. Tra and Varis worked to decipher the old manuscript, but they could identify very few of the words.  Elaina shared her musical discovery with the team. Varis played a tune, but he could not reproduce the effects that Elaina had created - until he played the “olden song” that Podun Sayur had played days earlier. Then, flames danced from the instrument, to Sextus’ sword, to Lilli. Tra tried to remember some of the words of the tune, and it seemed like Lilli convulsed slightly when some of the words were spoken. 

They administered their final bottle of black potion to Lilli. Her condition still didn’t change. They contemplated stabbing her with the sword, or cutting off her head. Thankfully they did not put these thoughts into action. Eventually, the group tried saying the remembered words of the song while playing the tune, and - like the last time - flames danced from the instrument, to the sword, to Lilli. As the song progressed, one of the final verses seemed to bring the flames to life. They coalesced into a flaming phoenix that dove deep into Lilli’s throat. Her body convulsed and her eyes popped open - before closing again. After several minutes of speculation, Varis read the words from the parchment while they played the “olden song” on the viola. First, flames danced around Lilli and the sword. Then, a flaming phoenix appeared. This time, when the magic dove into Lilli’s throat and her eyes open - they stayed open - but they were totally black. Lilli was alive, but she had changed. 

Chapter IV D: Chief of the Sun Teeth

The party did not have time to rest on their laurels. Rinyolf called out in warning; the orc chief Wartsnak had discovered them. The massive beast charged across the bridge, knocking Rinyolf unconscious. Sextus and Varis ran to engage the beast but were also knocked aside. Elaina hit it from behind while Tra and Lilli alternated between firing arrows at the orc and stabilizing their friends. The orc laughed as it knocked aside blow after blow and arrow after arrow. Eventually, Sextus and Varis stood up and a reinvigorated Varis knocked the creature to its knees and punched the life out of it. 

By this point, the party was exhausted - both mentally and physically. Sextus led them to the top of the tower where they found some treasure and a map etched in dwarven runes.  The party spent a few minutes planning their next moves before falling asleep. They hoped to head back to Vimur Keep to claim the reward with Rinyolf and then investigate the reward for capturing or killing the Saka bandit Ahmet Alp. They all felt stronger after the day’s activities - and none more than Lilli. In the days to come they will all manifest new skills and abilities as they flex their new strengths and abilities. 

Episode 6: Bounty Hunting at Fallkirk Falls

Chapter V A: Fallkirk

Chapter V B: The Cavern of Deneir

Chapter V C: Phoenix Lore

Episode 7: The Phoenix Order

Sathorn’s Tale:

I have defended this cavern since before the long winter. I was a junior member of our Order - the Phoenix Order. They sang songs and told tales of our kind. You see, we have all drunk a potion made from Phoenix ashes. It is not without side effects. Our eyes become black orbs, but we become faster, live longer, are resistant to poison, we can see in the dark, and we heal faster. This potion also allows us to cheat death if one of our minstrels sings the sacred song while playing the sacred song. Sadly, the song’s words have been lost with my order. All we have left is the phoenix egg in the nearby cavern. We must protect it so that it might fight a great battle against the dragons which will eventually come back to our lands. When it dies, I hope to harvest the ash to make a potion for each of my young children. The dragon cult grows stronger each day, and if they use the egg for their foul rituals, they might upset the order of this world again. The last time brought the long winter and the end of my people. You should join us!

Chapter V D: Kobolds!

Chapter V E: Fallkirk Revisited!

Episode 8: Sailing Down the Vimur River

Episode 9: Massacre at Turrim Tower

Episode 10: Trabbed by Webs in the Sun Forest

Episode 11: The Trial of House Nasmel

Episode 12: The Prophecies of the Syvelin Pools

Episode 13: Bloodhawks and the Seer's Tower

Episode 14: A Monkey's Guide to Gurhost

Sâthorn Dreamsend

Small One! Our time is short. Listen!

I call to you across the miles as the moon wanes. This is a dreamsend - made possible by our phoenix blood!

I have unearthed an important discovery. The phoenix will hatch when the sun's fire is hidden and where the earth's fires burn brightest

I have not yet been able to decipher this riddle, but I feel that our time is short. The egg must hatch soon!

I will call you again when the moons allow it. Yanca an yána!

Episode 15: Escape from the Soapmaking Pits

Episode 16: Exploring the Gurhost Pyramid

Episode 17: The Shrouded Pyramid

Episode 18: Out of the Frying Pan